Babylon 5 A Call To Arms 2nd Edition Earth Alliance 3rd Age Fleet Review
After the review of the Earth Alliance Early Years fleet , this time I'm looking at the fleet you are probably more familiar with, the fleet of the 3rd Age as it was in the events of the series from the end of the earth Minbari war up to the start of the 'crusade' TV series It is probably an understatement to say that the Earth Alliance came off badly during their war with the Minbari. Earthforce suffered horrific casualties and lost the majority of their pre-war fleet. Nevertheless the Minbari war machine was stopped in its tracks at the battle of the line and the Minbari subsequently surrendered. The priority for Earthforce was to rebuild its numbers and the 3rd age list reflects the casualties suffered as well as the new ships that were immediately put into production. Compared to the Early Years fleet you will notice there are more higher tier ships, but fewer choices overall. The choices you do have give you the opportunity to build a well rounded and capable fleet. Th...