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Battle For Khilsiek: Disputed Sovereignty. A Call to Arms Campaign, Turn 4.

Fleet Director Kalora paced the flag bridge of the Resha-Emissary deep in thought. The declaration by the Pak'ma'ra had been unexpected. The Earth Alliance assigning additional resources was unwelcome but completely anticipated. She had spent a considerable amount of time studying the Human 'Art of War'. It disturbed her somewhat that they would consider war an art form and one of the earliest works on the topic was called just that, The Art of War. She clenched her fists to stop herself shuddering. It went some way to explain their proficiency, and it provided valuable insights, such as securing your line of supply. She focussed the Holo Display on the Jump gate. It was at the edge of the solar system, but it would take some pressure off the few jump capable ships she had been assigned so far, the only problem was the Human task force sat on top of it.... If they were to move....      After some initial maneuvers the first skirmish of the campaign took place over Khil

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