Resha-Kar Composites
Primary Business: Advanced Composites and Super Alloy Manufacturing
Secondary Business(es): Mining, Metal Processing, Salvaging, Ship Breaking, Bulk Transport.
Seat of Power: Brakos
Resha-Kar Composites is a member of the Krona, the corporate council of Brakir. They hold a seat in the Second Gallery of the Syndicrat Council and are on good terms with the holders of the 4 seats in the First Gallery.
Resha-Kar Composites is the largest supplier of Super Alloys and Advanced composites for the
majority of the manufacturing corporations in the Brakiri Syndicracy. They supply 43% of all titanium alloys, 57% of Tungsten Carbide and 89% of the Structural components used in Brakiri Fusion reactors. They are also the largest supplier of structural steel (35%) and Copper (28%) to the Brakiri construction industry. Resha-Kar products are present in almost every single construction project and spacecraft that the Syndicracy has produced for the past 100 years.
Resha-Kar maintains a large fleet of ships on their assets list. The majority of them are small and specialized, being used primarily for salvaging and asteroid mining. They do have a military force, but this is composed of mostly older ships considered obsolete by the major corporations. They have the 5th largest merchant fleet in the Syndicracy in hull numbers (13%) but 12th in total tonnage (6%). The majority of their merchant fleet are converted Antophs with a smaller number of Batrados for bulk hauling, and a growing number of Hakaras for smaller cargoes. They also make extensive use of merchant ships from other races as they are uniquely positioned to be able to maintain them since they compete for salvage and ship breaking rights in friendly space.
Part of the Resha-Kar merchant fleet |
Not included on their fleet list are a large number of damaged and obsolete ships that are currently awaiting refit, repair or disposal. Included among them are over a hundred Dilgar ships that were recovered from Brakos and Balos during the Dilgar war. This number was far larger originally.
Early History.
The Corporation was formed just as the Brikiri were starting to explore their home system from the Resha and Kar water clans when a method for extracting Titanium from Ilmenite was discovered. They were the first to use the process at scale, and this led to them becoming the major supplier of Titanium and Titanium Alloys for all the major corporations. They used the wealth generated to diversify into other metals and quickly came to dominate the market. They led the way in research of various alloys to be used in a wide range of applications, and led the way in the development of armour for starships as Brakir became more militarised.
The Dilgar War
When the Dilgar war came to the Brakiri, the initial losses were nothing short of catastrophic and this placed a greater demand for Resha-Kar products, and they were able to increase supply to meet demand. It was at this time they were also able to acquire licenses to produce the Rakarta and Ikorta, both of which were in high demand due both to the loss of the orbital shipyards, and the fact that these ships could be manufactured on the surface of Brakir. Several acquisitions gave Resha-Kar access to shipyards and they set about producing the ships but a shortage of weapons meant that at the time of the Dilgar surrender, the corporations ships were largely unarmed and were only performing logistics roles. They were able to leverage this fact to retrofit a lot of ships with equipment that allowed them to salvage damaged vessels and used this to win contracts to clean up the orbital space around Brakir and the system as a whole. They were also able to negotiate a similar contract with the Balosians. This left them with a huge number of Dilgar ships to dispose of.
Post Dilgar War
They were able to use the vast amounts of material salvaged from Brakir and Balos to lower the price of Titanium significantly and drove many competitors who had started up during the war out of business with low prices. They also continued to produce Rakarta and Ikorta hulls at a reduced rate, some retained for their own use, and the older war produced versions were sold to other interested parties such as the Pak’ma’ra and indirectly to ‘private military companies’ such as the Shokan.
Flush with capital, Resha-Kar purchased a very large number of ships that had been damaged during the Dilgar war, including almost 50% of the surviving Antoph Hulls, and purchased more as superior ships like the Avioki were manufactured by Ak-Habil post war and were used to replace older ships.
The Plethora of Dilgar, Brakiri and other races ships being disposed of allowed Resha-Kar to move into the bulk transport business and maintain a moderately sized military force to escort their freighters and protect their mining and salvage interests.
Earth-Minbari War
Despite an edict from the Kroma to provide only humanitarian support to refugees, Resha-Kar saw an opportunity to dispose of a huge quantity of salvaged Dilgar weapons and make a massive amount of cash. They negotiated a deal with the Earth Alliance and provided hundreds of refurbished Dilgar heavy energy weapons, missiles, reactors and reaction engines. Earth currency had been devalued and it wasn’t clear that it would be worth holding on to, but Resha-Kar took a gamble and accepted earth currency as payment. They doubled down on this by also purchasing Earth credits from other Brakiri Corporations, and as the war was reaching its conclusion, from anyone who would sell them since it looked almost certain Humanity would be destroyed and they could get them at 1-2% of their pre-war value. As word arrived that the Minbari were assaulting Earth directly, Human currency plummeted even further. Resha-Kar purchased everything they could get their hands on. If the Minbari followed through with their threats, Resha-Kar would be ruined.
Post Earth-Minbari War.
The Directors of Resha-Kar were immensely relieved when word of the end of the war arrived on Brakir, and a delegation was immediately dispatched to Earth Dome.
Resha-Kar held almost 80% of the Human currency in circulation outside of Earth Alliance space, and in a meeting with President Elizabeth Levy they were able to negotiate some very generous concessions. It helped that they had been one of only a few outside parties to assist the Earth Alliance militarily. Earth Force would share recovered Minbari technologies and intelligence, and Resha-Kar won a sizeable contract to supply Titanium and other materials required for rebuilding the human fleet, and mining rights in several Earth held systems.
The Delegation also left Earth having made agreements with several major Earth corporations for joint research and development, and a sizable investment portfolio.
Narn-Centauri war
Resha-Kar’s main involvement was through the Shokan, they sponsored a large number of raider groups to attack Narn and Centauri shipping, and through this means were able to secure several Narn and Centauri ships that had been abandoned during the rapid advance at the end of the war. They also traded the last remaining stockpiles of Dilgar weapons they held to the Narn in return for several damaged freighters.
Current Activities.
Resha-Kar continues to supply construction materials and components to the other major corporations.Most recently they have been attempting to establish facilities outside of established Brakiri space to avoid direct scrutiny of their activities and so have become involved in a small territorial dispute around the Retaria and Khilsiek systems. They have ordered warships from all major corporations, but currently have to rely on older ships and smaller ships that can be produced quickly. Only time will tell if Resha-Kar is able to succeed in their latest gambit.
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