Battle for Khilsiek: The Khilsiek-A System.
The Khilsiek-A System
The Khilsiek system is technically a binary system. Khilsiek - A is a yellow dwarf and the primary star in the system. Khilsiek-B, designated Retaria by the Brakiri Syndicracy, on the other hand is a brown dwarf at the limit of the gravitational influence of Khilsiek -A.
The system is in neutral territory and has only recently been explored by the Earth Alliance. There is one sapient species that has achieved interplanetary travel and colonised several of the planets around Khilsiek-A.
First contact went well initially, but then the situation deteriorated rapidly as rival governments in the system began fighting each other.
Rival factions have reached out to various governments to support them, and the situation has been made more complex by the status of, and mineral wealth of Retaria (Khilsiek -B)
Khilsiek I is a small rocky planet with a diameter of approximately 800km. There is no atmosphere and given its close proximity to the star, it has become tidally locked. there is evidence of methane ice on the dark side of the planet.A massive number of abandoned ships orbit the small planet and only the very brave or desperate try to salvage them |
Further research is difficult but possible, but efforts have been abandoned due to the increased level of conflict currently occurring in the system.
With the relevant equipment, and provided salvage workers very quick, it is possible to recover wrecked ships.
Space Debris - Ship Graveyard, Power drain
Fates End comet
It appears once every 150 earth years, and heralds a period of strife, death and renewal |
Comet - Ice-rock composite
Prospectors seek their fortune in the asteroids near Khilsiek-A-II |
The dwarf planet sits in a comparitively dense belt of asteroids that orbit between the Inner planet and Khilsiek III and marks the lower edge of the stars habitable zone. The asteroids are plentiful and have a good abundance of Iron, silicates and a few small deposits of rarer minerals. The belt is quite deep and contains a small number of Dwarf planets. Brakiri astronomers have not been able to gather much more information on the matter. There is a large mining hub and numerous smaller mining facilities located in the belt.
Mining Outpost
Home to giant animals, the planet has been left alone, for now |
The first of the three habitable planets in the system, this is a planet with an abundance of plant and animal life. There is a dense atmosphere and surveys from orbit have revealed areas that would be potentially habitable with minimal preparation. So far, no efforts have been made to colonise the planet due to the presence of carnivorous mega fauna.
Uninhabited world - Verdant planet - Unexplored
Overpopulated and highly developed, the planet has high levels of poverty, inequality and unrest. It is a pressure cooker ready to explode. |
Settled World - Industrial World
Still very much a paradise compared to their homeworld, tensions nevertheless are bound to run high |
Settled World - Agrarian World
Khilsiek-A-VI Asteroid Belt
Major companies control the mining in this belt, pushing out the smaller enterprises |
New Dawn Shipyard
The largest artificial object in the system right until the Earth Alliance arrived. |
Construction Yard
Not surveyed at the moment, does the gas giant hold any secrets? |
Medium yield gas giant
Khilsiek Jump Gate
The Earth Alliance explorer class ship that discovered the system built a jump gate before it left. this is located at the edge of the Solar system and gives access to non jump capable ships. It was built in its current location as the Indiginous people have a lower technological level and it would be difficult, but not impossible for them to reach.The situation has changed somewhat given weapons sales by various other groups to the warring factions.
- Normal
The fate of the System
Factions are moving forces to seize control of the system. how will the situation unfold, and what does the future hold for Khilsiek. Does Fates End herald the end of everything, or will this be a new dawn for the people of Khilsiek?
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